Is My Pc Protected With Windows Defender

May 18, 2019  Starting with Windows 10 build 18305, Microsoft introduced Tamper Protection. Tamper Protection is a new setting from Windows Defender Antivirus, available in the Windows Security app, which when on, provides additional protections against changes to key security features, including limiting changes. The short answer is: No. Nowadays, your computer can get infected from many different avenues, and not only that. Anti-Virus programs aren’t guaranteed to detect them, yes Windows Defender has a decent amount of definitions, but it’s not as good a.


If I recall correctly AVG still detects tracking cookies and other minor privacy issues, which Microsoft and any other truly reputable security product has never done.

However, the one and only positive result of this otherwise horrible practice is that less knowledgeable people feel more comfortable that their anti-malware product is actually 'doing something'. The reality though is that most people who are careful about how they browse and limit what they download should almost never experience true malware.


Is My Windows Defender Working

I've personally only run into malware when purposefully going to the dark back alleys of the Internet looking for it. Otherwise, I almost never see a warning from my security products, which since I'm skilled in their use and fully understand its alerts by testing using the EICAR file and other techniques, I'm completely comfortable with if they should happen.

Is My Computer Protected

This is the paradox of anti-malware products today, since the typical person won't be prepared when their security product alerts and so can often be easily tricked via social engineering by false pop-ups that they believe are from their own security. Only a handful of mostly highly technical users ever think to actually test their security beforehand and most of these people can't seem to understand why most other people don't.

Stupid situation isn't it? You'd think that anti-malware companies would include a 'test alert' button that showed a person what they'll see when their product alerts, bit I don't recall ever seeing this myself.


Windows Defender is the default malware and anti-virus software in Windows 10. The big question right now is whether or not Windows Defender is any good, and sufficient and enough to protect you in Windows 10/8/7 PC. Microsoft made Windows Defender available years ago, but now it comes as the default protection in Windows 10. It means that the moment Windows 10 is installed, it is being protected, so there’s no need to download and install an anti-virus software right away.

The version of Windows Defender in Windows 10 comes with plenty of new security features. It has cloud protection so that it can stop malware from entering your computer.

Is Windows Defender sufficient and good enough?

To be honest, Windows Defender only gives baseline protection, which means, it is only good enough for users for regular day-to-day surfing.

Is Windows Defender Free

For those who mainly use social networks and may download the occasional file here and there, Windows Defender should be just fine.

If you download a lot of torrent related files from the web, then we doubt Windows Defender would provide enough protection.

Is My Pc Protected With Windows Defender

Personally, I prefer to use Windows Defender than the other free programs out there, because it doesn’t pop up out of anywhere, and never asks me to spend my money to upgrade to a better service.

Although Windows Defender now integrates with the Context Menu, our freeware Ultimate Windows Tweaker lets you add some more entries to your context menu.

We suggest that if you’re aiming to run Windows Defender, then download the free version of Malwarebytes, and Microsoft EMET to help keep your computer safe. Bear in mind that Malwarebytes, the free version, does not perform real-time scans of your system, so make sure to manually scan at least once or twice per week.

Overall, if you keep Windows OS and your installed software up-to-date, Windows Defender, should be able to block all the most significant malware from infecting your system. Make sure your system is to set to receive and install updates automatically, just in case if you managed to forget to manually update. Moreover, to make it effective, you need to configure Windows Defender properly. There are other basic steps you can also take to secure and protect your Windows PC.

Read:Windows Defender is now at par with popular Antivirus programs.

You should also avoid plugins like Java. We can’t stress on this enough, do not use Java on your computer system. However, if you must, then as soon as it is not in use, disable the thing because chances are, there will be another Java Runtime Environment exploit.

Windows Defender Protected Your Pc

Now, for those folks who might require a free alternative to Windows Defender, Bitdefender is at the top of the line right now, in my opinion. There are other free antivirus software like Avast, Avira, etc, too that are available.

Windows Defender has evolved into a complete malware protection tool. You can also make Windows Defender protect you against Potentially Unwanted Programs.

Is My Pc Protected With Windows Defender Windows 10

Windows Defender Security Center in Windows 1703 and later acts as a dashboard for all of your security features, including third-party security to give a clearer view of any risks your PC may face. It’s been specially designed to simplify and unify all the various security settings of Windows in the same place.

Am I Windows Defender Protected

At the end of the day, however, no anti-virus provides 100 percent protection from the many threats, so we suggest making wise decisions on the web because it is the safest method.

Now read:Is your Antivirus still good enough to protect you from modern online threats?

TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

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