Microsoft Word Text Overlapping

  1. Overlapping Text Font
  2. Microsoft Word Text Overlapping Lines
  3. Microsoft Word Text Overlapping Footer
  4. Microsoft Word Text Overlapping

Avoid overlapping text: The best way to guarantee best translation quality with a PDF translator is to make sure that the original document has enough white space around the text. A loose layout is always a reader-friendly solution also without any intention to translate the document. I opened a Word 2003 document in Word 2007 and if I delete or add a line, then the images from the document won't move. They simply overlap the text and I have to move each image whenever I edit th.

After you insert an image in Microsoft Word, you can reposition it in your document. You may want to overlap photos or set a specific text-wrapping pattern. An imported image in Word is assigned square text-wrapping by default, but there are other options you can use to get things looking just the way you want. We'll show you how to do it.

This guide applies to Word for Office 365, Word for the web, Word 2019, Word 2016, and Word 2013.

Using Layout Options in Word to Position Images


Positioning an image in Word usually requires only clicking on it and dragging it to where you want it. That doesn't always work, however, because the text flow around the image may change in a way that doesn't look right for the document. If that happens, you can use the Layout Options to reposition the image.

  1. Select the image.

  2. Select Layout Options.

  3. Choose one of the text wrapping options. For example, if you want your picture to stay in a certain spot on the page in front of the text, select the Front of Text radio button and Fix position on page. If you want to wrap text around the image but have it move up and down on the page as needed, select Square and Move with text.

Moving an Image or Group of Images Precisely

To move an image a tiny amount to align it with another element in the document, select the image. Then, press and hold down the CTRL key while you press one of the arrow keys to move the picture in the direction you want it to go.

You can move several images in this manner at once by first grouping them. To do that, CTRL+Left-Click the images to select them, then right-click and pick Group.

If you can't group the images, they may be set to move inline with text in the Layout Options tab. Go there and change the layout to any of the options in the With Text Wrapping section.

Overlapping Images in Word

It's not immediately apparent how to overlay photos in Word. Here's how to do it:

  1. Select an image.

  2. Select Layout Options > See more.

  3. Repeat this process for each picture you want to overlap.

Active2 months ago

Overlapping Text Font

I was using Word 2010 to create a DOCX document. Before Christmas, Office 2016 was installed on my PC but I'm still using Word 2010 to edit the document.

After working 10 to 20 minutes on the document, characters start to overlap as in the screenshot below. Not all text is affected but ~80%. How can I get Word back to 'normal' so that I can work regularly with that document?

I can save the document, close Word and re-open the document to continue editing for another 10 to 20 minutes until the issue happens again.

This happens in print layout. When I switch to Web layout, things seem to be normal. The compatibility options for the document are set to 'Microsoft Word 2010'. From the layout options, no checkmarks are checked.

I noticed that Word seems to mix up the font at some point in time. While it is Arial in the beginning, it changes to MyriadPro when it becomes broken.

So far I have not found exact steps to reproduce this issue, so I can't tell whether it happens when I edit text, add cells to a table or something else.

I have tried:

  • disabling hardware acceleration
  • repairing Word
Thomas Weller
Thomas WellerThomas Weller
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1 Answer

Microsoft Word Text Overlapping Lines

We just had this happen this morning. It was the weirdest thing, no font or style settings affected it and its just as you described.

Microsoft Word Text Overlapping

The issue resolved itself for us by going to the print menu and selecting a different printer (we had two). Upon selecting a different printer the print preview (and document in the background) fixed itself.

We were using standard fonts (not as you describe) with Word 2010.

Weirdest thing I've seen in a long time now.


Microsoft Word Text Overlapping

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