Dorothy Sayers Why Work Pdf

However, much of her criticism is applicable to today’s society. 12 Sayers, “Why Work,” 2 4 work caused both work and the worker to suffer. Work becomes increasingly meaningless and often of poor quality; the worker becomes bored doing work that is uninteresting, of poor quality, and uncreative. No piety in the worker will compensate for work that is not true to itself; for any work that is untrue to its own technique is a living lie.9 6 Dorothy L. Sayers, The Mind of the Maker, (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1970), 220 7 Sayers, “Why Work,” 6 8 Martha Greene Eads, “The Mystery of Vocation,” The Center for Christian Ethics at.

Dorothy L. Sayers
Books edited4
Non fiction24
References and footnotes

Dorothy Leigh Sayers (usually stylised as Dorothy L. Sayers; 1893–1957) was an English crime writer, poet, playwright, essayist, translator and Christian humanist; she was also a student of classical and modern languages. She is perhaps best known for her mysteries, a series of novels and short stories, set between the First and Second World Wars, which feature Lord Peter Wimsey, an English aristocrat and amateur sleuth. Sayers herself considered her translation of Dante's Divine Comedy to be her best work.[1][2]


Sayers was educated at home and then at the University of Oxford. This was unusual for a woman at the time, as they were not admitted as full members of the university until 1920 – five years after Sayers had completed her first class degree in medieval French.[1][3] In 1916, a year after her graduation, Sayer published her first book, a collection of poems entitled Op. I, which she followed two years later with a second, a slim volume titled Catholic Tales and Christian Songs.[1] The same year she was invited to edit and contribute to the annual editions of Oxford Poetry, which she did for the next three years.[4] In 1923 she published Whose Body?, a murder mystery novel featuring the fictional Lord Peter Wimsey, and went on to write eleven novels and five collections of short stories about the character. The Wimsey stories were popular, and successful enough for Sayers to leave the advertising agency where she was working.[5][6][a]

Towards the end of the 1930s, and without explanation, Sayers stopped writing crime stories and turned instead to religious plays and essays, and to translations. Some of her plays were broadcast on the BBC, others performed at the Canterbury Festival and some in commercial theatres.[7] During the Second World War through these plays, and other works like The Wimsey Papers (1939–40) and Begin Here: A War-Time Essay (1940), Sayers 'offered her countrymen a stirring argument for fighting', according to her biographer, Catherine Kenney.[1] As early as 1929 Sayers had produced an adaptation—from medieval French—of the poem Tristan by Thomas of Britain,[7][8] and in 1946 she began to produce translations of Dante, firstly the four Pietra canzoni then, from 1948, the canticas of the Divine Comedy. Her critical analyses of Dante were popular and influential among scholars and the general public, although there has been some criticism that she overstressed the comedic side of his writing to make him more popular.[2] Sayers died in December 1957 after suffering a sudden stroke.[7]

  • 11Notes and references


Cover of Catholic Tales and Christian Songs, 1918
Sayers's poetry
Title[4][9][10]Year of first publicationFirst edition publisherNotes
Op. I1916Blackwell, Oxford
Catholic Tales and Christian Songs1918McBride, Oxford
Oxford Poetry, 19171918Blackwell, OxfordContributor and editor with Wilfred Rowland Childe and T.W. Earp
Oxford Poetry, 19181919Blackwell, OxfordContributor and editor with T.W. Earp and E.F.A. Geach
Oxford Poetry, 19191920Blackwell, OxfordContributor and editor with T.W. Earp and Siegfried Sassoon
Lord, I Thank Thee1943Overbrook, Stamford, CT
The Story of Adam and Christ1955Hamish Hamilton, London


Novels by Sayers
Title[4][9][10][11]Year of first
First edition publisher
(London, except where stated)
Whose Body?1923Bony & Liveright, New York
Clouds of Witness1926Unwin
Unnatural Death1927BennPublished in the US as The Dawson Pedigree
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club1928Benn
Strong Poison1930Gollancz
The Documents in the Case1930BennWith Robert Eustace
The Five Red Herrings1931GollanczPublished in the US as Suspicious Characters
The Floating Admiral1931Hodder and StoughtonWith members of The Detection Club. A chapter each was completed by: Canon Victor Whitechurch, George and Margaret Cole, Henry Wade, Agatha Christie, John Rhode, Milward Kennedy, Sayers, Ronald Knox, Freeman Wills Crofts, Edgar Jepson, Clemence Dane and Anthony Berkeley. G. K. Chesterton contributed the prologue.[12]
Have His Carcase1932Gollancz
Murder Must Advertise1933Gollancz
Ask a Policeman1933BarkerWith members of The Detection Club: Anthony Berkeley, Milward Kennedy, Gladys Mitchell, John Rhode, Sayers and Helen Simpson.[13]
The Nine Tailors1934Gollancz
Gaudy Night1935Gollancz
Six against the Yard1936Selwyn and BlountWith members of The Detection Club: Margery Allingham, Anthony Berkeley, Freeman Wills Crofts, Father Ronald Knox, Sayers and Russell Thorndike.[14]
Busman's Honeymoon: A Love Story With Detective Interruptions1937Harcourt BraceAdapted from the play Busman's Honeymoon (1936)
Double Death: a Murder Story1939GollanczWith members of The Detection Club

Short story collections[edit]

Dorothy Sayers Why Work Pdf 2016

Sayers contributed to numerous short story anthologies, but also published a number of collections of her own works.[4]

Sayers's short story collections
Title[4][9][11]Year of first
First edition publisher
(All London)
Lord Peter Views the Body1928Gollancz
Hangman's Holiday1933Gollancz
In the Teeth of the Evidence1939Gollancz
A Treasury of Sayers Stories1958Gollancz
Striding Folly1973New English Library
The Scoop and Behind the Screen1983GollanczTwo collaborative detective serials written by members of the Detection Club which were broadcast weekly by their authors on the BBC National Programme in 1930 and 1931 with the scripts then being published in The Listener a week after broadcast.
Crime on the Coast and No Flowers by Request1984GollanczTwo collaborative detective serials written by members of the Detection Club; originally published in Daily Sketch (1953)

Dorothy Sayers Why Work Pdf 2017


Works of which Sayers was the editor
Title[4][15]Year of first
First edition publisher
(All London)
Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror1928Gollancz
Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror—Second Series1931Gollancz
Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror—Third Series1934Gollancz
Tales of Detection1936J.M. DentAs part of the Everyman's Library series


Dante shown holding a copy of the Divine Comedy, next to the entrance to Hell, the seven terraces of Mount Purgatory and the city of Florence, with the spheres of Heaven above, in Michelino's fresco

Dorothy Sayers Why Work Pdf Download

Translations by Sayers
Title[4][15]Year of first
First edition publisher
(London, unless otherwise stated)
Tristan in Brittany, Being Fragments of the Romance of Tristan, Written in the Twelfth Century by Thomas the Anglo-Norman1929BennTranslation of the Old French poem Tristan by Thomas of Britain
The Heart of Stone, Being the Four Canzoni of the 'Pietra' Group by Dante1946J.H. Clarke, Witham, EssexTranslation of four pietra canzoni (translates from the Italian as: 'stone songs') by Dante Alighieri
The 'Comedy' of Dante Alighieri the Florentine. Cantica I: Hell1949Penguin, HarmondsworthTranslation of cantica 1 of Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
The 'Comedy' of Dante Alighieri the Florentine. Cantica II: Purgatory1955Penguin, HarmondsworthWith Barbara Reynolds; translation of cantica 2 of Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
The Song of Roland1957Penguin, HarmondsworthTranslation of The Song of Roland
The 'Comedy' of Dante Alighieri the Florentine. Cantica III: Paradise1962Penguin, HarmondsworthWith Barbara Reynolds; translation of cantica 3 of Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Scripts and plays[edit]

Scripts and plays by Sayers
Title[4][10][11]Location of first performance
London, unless otherwise stated
Date of first performanceNotes
The Silent PassengerSee note1935Screenplay; with Basil Mason; adapted from Sayers's unpublished short story of the same title[b]
Busman's Honeymoon: A Detective Comedy in Three ActsComedy Theatre16 December 1936With Muriel St. Clare Byrne
The Zeal of Thy HouseCanterbury Festival29 March 1938Four scenes
He That Should Come: A Nativity Play in One ActSee note25 December 1938Radio play, first broadcast on the BBC
The Devil to Pay: Being the Famous History of John Faustus, the Conjurer of Wittenberg in Germany: How He Sold His Immortal Soul to the Enemy of Mankind, and Was Served Twenty- four Years by Mephistopheles, and Obtained Helen of Troy to His Paramour, With Many Other Marvels; and How God Dealt With Him at the LastCanterbury Festival10 June 1939
Love AllTorch Theatre10 April 1940
The Golden CockerelSee note27 December 1941Radio play; first broadcast on the BBC. Adapted from the story of the same title by Alexander Pushkin
The Man Born to Be King: A Play-Cycle on the Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus ChristSee noteDecember 1941Twelve-episode radio series; first broadcast on the BBC between December 1941 and October 1942
The Just VengeanceThe Lichfield Festival15 June 1946
Where Do We Go From Here?See note1948With members of the Detection Club. Radio play, first broadcast for the Mystery Playhouse series on the BBC
The Emperor Constantine: A ChroniclePlayhouse Theatre, Colchester3 July 1951

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Sayers wrote numerous essays, poems and stories which appeared in several publications, including Time and Tide, The Times Literary Supplement, Atlantic Monthly, Punch, The Spectator and the Westminster Gazette; in the last of these she was the author of a poem under the pseudonym H.P. Rallentando. She also wrote several book reviews for The Sunday Times.[4]

Other works by Sayers
Papers Relating to the Family of Wimsey1936Privately printedAs Matthew Wimsey; co-written with others
An Account of Lord Mortimer Wimsey, the Hermit of the Wash1937Privately printed
The Wimsey Papers24 November 1939 – 26 January 1940Published in serial form in The Spectator
The Wimsey Family: A Fragmentary History Compiled from Correspondence With Dorothy L. Sayers1977HarperCompiled by C.W. Scott-Giles

Non fiction[edit]

Sayers's non fictional work
Title[4][10][15]Year of first publicationFirst edition publisher
(London, unless otherwise stated)
The Greatest Drama Ever Staged1938Hodder & StoughtonEssays; contains 'The Greatest Drama Ever Staged' and 'The Triumph of Easter', both of which were published in The Sunday Times, April 1938
Strong Meat1939Hodder & StoughtonEssays
Begin Here: A War-Time Essay1940GollanczEssays
Creed or Chaos? and Other Essays in Popular Theology1940Hodder & StoughtonEssays
The Mind of the Maker1941MethuenEssays
The Mysterious English1941Macmillan
Why Work?1942MethuenSubtitle: An Address Delivered at Eastbourne, April 23rd, 1942
The Other Six Deadly Sins1943MethuenSubtitle: An Address Given to the Public Morality Council at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on October 23rd, 1941
Even the Parrot: Exemplary Conversations for Enlightened Children1944Methuen
Making Sense of the Universe1946St. Anne's Church HouseSubtitle: An Address Given at the Kingsway Hall on Ash Wednesday, March 6th, 1946
Unpopular Opinions1946GollanczEssays
The Lost Tools of Learning1948Methuen
The Days of Christ's Coming1953Hamish Hamilton
Introductory Papers on Dante1954MethuenCriticism
The Story of Easter1955Hamish Hamilton
The Story of Noah's Ark1956Hamish Hamilton
Further Papers on Dante1957MethuenCriticism
The Great Mystery of Life Hereafter1957Hodder & StoughtonEssays; contributor, with others
The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement, and Other Posthumous Essays on Literature, Religion, and Language1963GollanczEssays
Christian Letters to a Post-Christian World: A Selection of Essays1969Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MIEssays; selected and introduced by Roderick Jellema
Are Women Human?1971Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MITwo essays originally published in Unpopular Opinions (1946)
A Matter of Eternity: Selections From the Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers1973Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MIEssays
Wilkie Collins: A Critical and Biographical Study1977Friends of the University of Toledo Library, Toledo, OH
Spiritual Writings1993Cowley, Cambridge, MA


Sayers's letter collections
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: 1899–1936: The Making of a Detective Novelist1995Hodder & Stoughton
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: 1937–1943, From Novelist to Playwright1998The Dorothy L Sayers Society
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: 1944–1950, A Noble Daring1999The Dorothy L Sayers Society
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: 1951–1957, In the Midst of Life2000The Dorothy L Sayers Society
The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers: Child and Woman of Her Time2002The Dorothy L Sayers SocietyA supplement to the letters

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]


  1. ^One of Sayers's contributions while working at the agency was the slogan 'My goodness, my Guinness!'[1]
  2. ^Produced by Phoenix Films in 1935.[4]


  1. ^ abcdeKenney 2004.
  2. ^ abStock 1990, pp. 289–90.
  3. ^Howard 2004, p. 11.
  4. ^ abcdefghijklm'Dorothy L(eigh) Sayers'. Contemporary Authors. Gale. Retrieved 21 May 2015.(subscription required)
  5. ^Howard 2004, p. 17.
  6. ^Gunn 1998, pp. 4–6.
  7. ^ abcBenstock 1985, p. 268.
  8. ^Stock 1990, p. 287.
  9. ^ abcdHoward 2004, pp. 18–19.
  10. ^ abcdeBenstock 1985, pp. 254–56.
  11. ^ abcGunn 1998, pp. 12–13.
  12. ^'The Floating Admiral'. British Library Catalogue. London: British Library. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  13. ^'Ask a Policeman'. British Library Catalogue. London: British Library. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  14. ^'Six against the Yard'. British Library Catalogue. London: British Library. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  15. ^ abcdeStock 1990, pp. 285–88.


  • Benstock, Bernard (1985). 'Dorothy L. Sayers'. In Stayley, Thomas F. (ed.). Dictionary of Literary Biography: British Novelists, 1890–1929: Modernists. Detroit: Gale. ISBN978-0-8103-1714-7.
  • Gunn, Katharine (June 1998). 'Dorothy L. Sayers'. Book and Magazine Collector. Diamond Publishing Group (171).
  • Howard, David (April 2004). 'The Lord Peter Wimsey Books'. Book and Magazine Collector. Diamond Publishing Group (241).
  • Kenney, Catherine (2004). 'Sayers, Dorothy Leigh (1893–1957)'. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/35966. Retrieved 3 June 2015.(subscription or UK public library membership required)
  • Stock, R.D. (1990). 'Dorothy L. Sayers'. In Bruccoli, Matthew J. (ed.). Dictionary of Literary Biography: Modern British Essayists. Detroit: Gale. ISBN978-0-8103-1714-7.
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